TTS Demo PRICE: US$0.00005 per character in the text to speech Step 1 Select the voice that you want to test from the list above: Allison: American English female voice.Birgit: Standard German of Germany (Standarddeutsch) female voice.Dieter: Standard German of Germany (Standarddeutsch) male voice.Emi: Japanese (日本語) female voice.Enrique: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) male voice.Francesca: Italian (italiano) female voice.Isabela: Brazilian Portuguese (português brasileiro) female voice.Kate: British English female voice.Laura: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) female voice.Lisa: American English female voice.Michael: American English male voice.Renee: French (français) female voice.Sofia: Latin American Spanish (español latinoamericano) female voice.Sofia: North American Spanish (español norteamericano) female voice. Step 2 Enter the text to speech (demo is limited to 100 characters maximum): Step 3 Click HERE to start process and play audio